The title Entropvisions is in homage to my mother, the poet and art critic, Harriet Zinnes. In 1990 New Directions published a collection of her poems titled Entropisms, a word she made-up combining entropy - the tendency toward disorder - and tropism - the growth towards or away from a stimulus. Similarly, my short reviews combine entropy and tropism by suggesting growth towards a vision of art from the chaos of the art world. Through the back door, my title also pays homage to my physicist father, Irving Zinnes, whose long discussions with my mom got her thinking about entropy and tropism in the first place.
What a treat my final stop in the LES last week was, and what a discovery. If you've never visited the relatively new (3-4 years old) Milton Resnick and Pat Passlof Foundation on Eldridge Street, I highly recommend going. Once a synagogue, Resnick lived and painted in it until he died. His large studio and bedroom have been converted to exhibition spaces. Towards the end of his life, when arthritis prohibited him from moving much, Resnick converted a small room off his bedroom into a studio and this room, with all its stuff has been preserved just as he'd left it. What a transporting experience to witness his painting world! But even more transporting were his paintings. The two large horizontals actually made me cry. No photo can do justice to the layers of deep emotional experience embedded in their rich paint. Upstairs are lovely small pieces by Passlof that were impossible to photograph because of glare and reflections, and in the lobby was an interesting show that paired Jane Freilicher and Thomas Nozkowski.
Milton Resnick
Milton Resnick
Jane Freilicher
Tom Nozkowski
Milton Resnick
Milton Resnick
Milton Resnick
Milton Resnick
Milton Resnick
Milton Resnick
Milton Resnick
Milton Resnick
Milton Resnick (last studio)
Milton Resnick (last studio)
Milton Resnick (last studio)
Pat Passlof
Jane Freilicher
Jane Freilicher
Jane Freilicher / Tom Nozkowski
Jane Freilicher
Jane Freilicher
Tom Nozkowki / Jane Freilicher